Once the books have finally been printed and are lying in our warehouse, we feel proud as punch about them – but unfortunately you, our potential customer, are completely oblivious of them. This is not on. Which is why we tell you on the Internet, go to trade fairs, print catalogues, insert advertisements and do a good many other things. We call this, somewhat exaggeratedly, "marketing". And just to keep our marketers from getting bored, we publish two new catalogues a year.
Since catalogues are not very different from books, we're really good at making them. Photos and descriptions of a couple of hundred items are compiled so expertly that… well, need we elaborate? And when they’re not in the middle of working on a new catalogue our marketers take care of our press and public relations. This means they tell journalists working for newspapers, magazines, radio and television about our fantastic books. The journalists see these reports and print articles about them. (If only it were as easy as that!) So, if you should read an article about us in the newspaper any time soon, you can be sure our marketing colleagues are behind it.